Learning dutch?

I received an email from a guy called James Dunn lately.
At first wasn't sure if I would do anything with it. I'm quite consious when it comes to linking 'unknown' sites and this seemed spam-related. The fact that he explicitly mentioned my (previous) header graphic (the ducks) did some good though, at least he isn't some robot sending out emails automaticaly :).
Did some further poking on the net, wasn't really convinced but then thought 'oh, what the hell'…so, here is his email:

Hello, my name is James. I came across your site, ( I love the ducks ) and I noticed your site is related to the Netherlands. I just started a website to help people learn Dutch online for free (eLanguageSchool.net) and I think a link to my site would be a good resourse for your visitors. I encourage you to check out my site and see what you think. I'd appreciate any feedback too, since you seem to already know what you're doing. If you do decide to link to my site, you could use this link.

Learn Dutch Online

Thank you for your time.


Well, James…here you have it, a shameless plug for your site! πŸ™‚
Goodluck with it!