Archive for September, 2007

Mike’s Great Ocean Road trip

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007

This is why I love RSS and my Google Reader…it keeps me up to date with *alllll* my friends (at least, the ones blogging :))…hey, it reunites people who are close and yet far away (and also suffering from bacn :)).

My best friend Mike blogged today about the Great Ocean Road trip he made, going from Adelaide to Melbourne. Great story, amazing pix…wish I was there with ya! Anyway, good to read/see/’hear’ you’re doing fine mate!

iPod news

Monday, September 10th, 2007

I can’t imagine anyone missed Apple’s iPod announcements last week, for those who were camping out in the woods, check out Steve Jobs’ keynote speech…iPod, the saga continues! 🙂

Terrible back pain

Sunday, September 9th, 2007

I guess the last weeks have been a bit too much for my back…I can’t move back and forth (and yes, that IS a problem! hehe), have been in bed most of the day, damn! Will take it easy the coming days, not that I’ve got any choice…:(

Satellite TV

Saturday, September 8th, 2007

Hehe, glad I’m working in satellite communications; setting up our brand new satellite dish and pointing it to the correct satellite was eeeasyyy!! Didn’t use any tools, except Google Earth to find South relative to the house!! 😉

Now enjoying dutch TV over satellite…the dutch soccer team is playing Bulgaria and Wesley Sneijder just scored 1-0, go Holland, yay!!

QOTD September 7 2007

Friday, September 7th, 2007

Charles F. Kettering: "Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future."

Search in Google Reader

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

It took them over a year…many people (everyone?) asked for it, including me, and as of yesterday it’s finally here: search functionality in Google Reader!! It does make sense, eh?

First day

Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

Just had our first full day in Norway!

Slept in this morning (guess we needed it :)) and then went shopping in the afternoon…bought a washing machine at  ‘Elkjøp‘ and couldn’t resist IKEA…the typical place to go for movers hehe

Willy and Katka came over for dinner and we just emptied a shitload of boxes…things are going great!

All arrived safe

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

Tuesday, September 4…late in the evening and…everyone is here, arrived safe in our new home! The 15 year old Honda Civic that Robbert and I drove, the ‘PACKED’ van, driven by Annie and Martien (aunt and uncle of Kristel) and the cats who flew from AMS to OSL with Kristel and Suzanne. Yay!

All our stuff is in da house…time to go to bed now, we’ve got some serious unpacking to do tomorrow! 🙂

On the way out

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

…ok, it’s time, time to go…am so outta here! Wish me safe travels 🙂

The van is PACKED

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

Nice timing to pack the van on the day after the fareway party…oofff, waking up wasn’t easy! 🙂

Anyway, it was quite some work, but we’ve had many hands helping us out…thx friends! The van is packed…better said; PACKED! 🙂 Ready to leave tomorrow morning, final destination Norway…ETA somewhere Tuesday late afternoon.

Party time!

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

Having the big farewell party today, around 80 people came this afternoon to say goodbye, another 100 are expected to come tonight (the theme is, not surprisingly: ‘Norway’…so, let’s go crazy!). We ordered 70 liters of beer, 35 liters of wine and there’re enough softdrinks available…I guess everyone will enjoy themselves! 🙂