Ring Oslo, speed limit
As of November 1, there is a 60kph speedlimit for the Oslo ring, the roadsigns tell me that this is due to a ‘miljøfartsgrense’…or, a speedlimit to save environment?!?
I also understood it has to do with wintertires with spikes…they cause extra dust particles poluting the air. Lowering the speed lowers the concentration of particles…hmm, guess we’ll have to live with it, until freakin’ March 30 2008…aahhh!
[…] on the way home today I saw that the ski slope close by the house is open, the Oslo-ring has its half yearly 60kph speeding limit *and* the bimmer got a brand new set of winter tires (as the old set turned out to be TOO old and […]
[…] to mention the Oslo ring speedlimit that kicked in on November 1, every year the same shit; a 60kph speedlimit due to a ‘miljøfartsgrense’…you really think we are saving the […]