Archive for November 13th, 2008

Russian invasion?

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

…and now, some news that really matters while one is enjoying vacation…uhhh 😉

One of the more important things during a sunny beach vacation, is to get hold of a sunbed *with* parasol to avoid sunburn on the beach…well now, this has been no problem until today; I already noticed yesterday that the resort got flooded with Russians; several nice guys, some beautiful girls (Russias finest), fathers (wearing the WRONG kind of swimming trunks ;)), mothers (man, where did that beauty go?), aunts, uncles, you name it! …all very nice, but the net-result was that all the sunbeds were taken by the time we got to the beach today…damn! I guess it means an early wake-up call tomorrow, and RUN for your sunbed!