Archive for March 1st, 2010

‘No Agenda’ love ;)

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Haha, I got mentioned on No Agenda #176, Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak’s podcast (which they recently called ‘Open Source Radio Show’)!

According to John, Adam was keeping track on how long the Daily Source Code was off the air for (one year and three days, patience IS a vitue! 😉 )…Adam actually wasn’t keeping track, but read my blogpost last week, funky! (no link love though: dudes! 😉 )

Have a listen below, it’s around 6 minutes into the show:

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Adam & John, I haven’t donated to the No Agenda show yet (so much for hookers & blow 😉 ), so I’d at least like to plug your show:

I recommend listening to No Agenda to everyone who is interested in an alternative view on the ‘truth behind the news’, eye opening and not controlled or censored by mainstream media…people, wake up and listen!