Basement clean up days

We’re spending the coming days in the basement; with a week off I finally have some time to sort out several boxes that have been moved a couple of times too much; two times in NL and two times in Norway, oops! πŸ˜‰

Yeah, it’s about time to clean up and throw away some old shit!

The most obscure item I found so far: a SCSI tape drive (with four tapes!)…Ha, I guess you qualify for the geek-of-the-decade competition if you know what that is! πŸ˜‰ Well, that unit is now trashed, together with two old floppy drives, several ancient hard disks (one had a stunning 125Mb capacity, wow!! πŸ˜‰ ) and more…hehe, *much* more to go through tomorrow…the final result should give us a gym, sauna, home-office *and* ‘cat-room’ in the basement!!