See you in court!?!
Short after we bought the house last year July we discovered that there was no floorheating present in both bathrooms (and trust me, that is *needed* during wintertime!! 😉 ). It should be there according to the brochure, so we claimed it with the buying insurrance. The dispute between our insurance and the sellers insurance has dragged on for 1.5 year now and I was todayinformed the we are going to court with it…WTF?!?
This seems a more than straightforward case…amazing that both insurance companies couldn’t find a settlement! (and trust me, we have been reasonable!)
Two cheeseheads involved in a courtcase in Norway…March 1 is the date, wish us luck!
Nee, toch…..
Wat een gedoe!
[…] 1,5 years (indeed, that is basically right after we moved in!!). The dispute seemed to end up in a court case on March 1. However, yesterday the other party requested a settlement…we set the amount and apparently […]