Archive for February, 2011

QOTD February 8 2011

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Saint Teresa of Avila: “Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.”

Life is…

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Life is so unpredictable…and while that’s often the beauty of it, today feels different; both Kissy’s grandmother and my aunt Jacqueline got diagnosed with cancer… πŸ™

Grandma is 86, she was in the hospital last week and came back home this weekend, she will not be treated but can still be with us for several months…

My aunt is 54 and is in the hospital undergoing several tests at this moment…she will start chemo-therapy this Wednesday. The doctors say this type of cancer can be completely cured in 60-80% of the cases, and that is what she is going for. She’s strong and will fight…

Two persons I love…two spirits so close by…it hurts…I’m sending strength, positivity and above all *LOVE* to both of you, and everyone around you!

AppleTV 2g jailbreak, still not

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Time for some geek stuff! πŸ˜‰

The hero’s of theΒ  Chronic Dev Team (@chronicdevteam on twitter) recently released the latest version of Greenpois0n, which makes a untethered (!) jailbreak for your iDevice running iOS 4.2.1 possible…just what I was looking for!

I planned to use it on my AppleTV 2g this weekend, making it possible to finally install the XBMC App, but unfortunately the current Greenpois0n release (RC5) does not support the AppleTV 2g… πŸ™

It should be doable *very* soon though, according to this tweet…can’t wait! πŸ˜‰

Lumberjack me

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

I have been out on farmers land most of the day; participating in an ‘on-the-job’ lumberjack training! Hehe, it’s part of my integration into Norway (a.k.a. vikingization! πŸ˜‰ )…I already had my chainsaw, but never got trained on cutting trees.

Well, even though today turned out to be mainly branch cutting, I got the hang of it and am looking forward to do some more tree cutting! It’s great to know a farmer who has enough trees to cut…as I can keep the wood I cut (and that keeps me warm!! πŸ˜‰ )!

New header graphic

Friday, February 4th, 2011

I thought it would be nice to match the winter wonderland outside with my blog-header, so even though I really enjoyed the autumn composition that has been the header graphic for three months it is time for something new!

And boy, do I *love* the ice crystals in this one…I took the picture while hiking through the forest ‘in the backyard’!

The search for extraterrestrial life

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

NASA’s Kepler Mission continues to discover new planets; the first one being Kepler-10b around a month ago and yesterday they announced the discovery of six more planets, the Kepler-11 planetary system (I guess they need to report success in order to secure funding πŸ˜‰ )…the search of planets with life potential makes me think of a brilliant comment on the existence of extraterrestrial life that Theo Maassen made in his 2002 show ‘Functioneel Naakt’.

Check out this YouTube clip (in dutch)!

QOTD February 2 2011

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

Hugh Macleod: “The only people who can change the world are people who want to. And not everybody does.”

Website stats

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

I noticed that more and more people have visited my blog over the past months, and January 2011 has been an all time high for 3100 visitors generated in total 17918 pageviewsο»Ώ!

(and that is excluding spam related traffic, I remember getting hit with that shit pretty serious back in 2005and 2006, and 2007, and 2008, and 2009, NOT in 2010 though, mainly due to the Akismet plugin for WordPress…good! πŸ˜‰ )

Even though I am mainly blogging for me, myself and I, it motivates me to keep up my habit of a daily blogpost, so, THX all!

(a nice side-effect is that the ‘On this day’ segment on the sidebar becomes really valuable for me)