Song of the Day: Pumped Up Kicks

Whenever we are working with a team on a big proposal, we select a ‘project’ song for motivation and increased spirit when our minds get tired. Earlier choices included Sak Noel with ‘Loca People‘ as working on these kind of proposals often means working ‘all day…all night’WTF! 😉

The song chosen this time is Foster The People with ‘Pumped Up Kicks‘; an upbeat tune that puts us right back in writing mode! 😉

(unlike  the ‘All day, All night…WTF‘ in ‘Loca People‘, the lyrics of this particular song are not so much contributing; a kid being bullied and losing his mind…)

Interesting side note; Mark Foster who wrote the song, played all of the instruments on the song himself (thinking that he was just recording a demo) and used Apple’s Logic Pro software to arrange and edit the song. This demo ultimately became the version of the song that Foster The People released. Check out the article that Apple put up.