Turning the page of time

Today is that unique and special day in the year when one day makes a whole year difference; we turn the imaginary page of time tonight and after celebrating it we wake up in a brand New Year. By then, page 2016 of the ‘book of life and the world’ has been completely written, and we have stored all experiences of the past year in it.

The year of 2016 has mostly been a year of continuances; running my own company (once again a busy year without any real vacation, the unforgettable five day trip to Ibiza compensated a lot though), Misha turned five (literally a handful 😉 ), still the happy camper *full* of enthusiasm and energy, enjoying and loving his life in both Norway and NL, there were many memorable moments and some really nice (dance) events to remember…the year flew by through the continuous process of letting go of past and getting to know the present and future possibilities…there were not too many highs this year, yet also not so many lows…all is balanced in the end.

It is good to know that all the 2016 experiences are stored in a safe place; in my heart and my memory…I can look back, laugh, cry, read, learn, and all of that without any regrets!

Writing things down and then turning the page of time also means that things can be put to rest…it is a good moment to go on and look forward towards everything that future offers and say: “Oh, hi 2017! Here I am!!”

Time…it is o-so relative…I wish everyone a splendid life in the Now, filling each moment with unconditional love, share it and pass it on…