Archive for June 1st, 2019

QOTD June 1 2019

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

J. K. Rowling: “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not lived at all. In which case, you’ve failed by default.”


Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

Today, June 1 2019, is the first day of a new month and yesss, after many many months I finally remembered to start the day by saying ‘rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit‘!! Y’all might not be familiar with this habit, but it means that I will receive good luck for the whole coming month, yayyy!

Ha, call me superstitious but hey, who would not want good luck for a month! And…who knows, it might be contagious so stick close to me this month. 😉