Archive for August, 2005

Holiday ends :(

Saturday, August 20th, 2005

Last update from Banff;

We packed *ALL* our stuff!! Am still amazed it fit in our 2x 2

suitcases, but doubt it is under the 2x 64kgs allowance we have 🙂 :).

Will try to catch some sleep, alarm clock will ring within 6 hours.

Dutchland here we come!!

Back in Banff

Friday, August 19th, 2005

So, we’re back in Banff, holiday is almost over…actually, Kristel’s 3 months leave too. Amazing how fast time passes by!

We’re staying with Claire and Scott, they have a lovely apartment in

the city (or should I say village) center and are so kind to ‘have’ us

for some days.

Thursday evening here now…girls on the couch…watching ‘Anne of

Green Gables’…you get the picture; fun stuff for boyz euhhh NOT! Luckily there is (some) free

wireless internet here…yep, hacking someones internet feed again! 🙂

Just one more day to go…will be filled with packing and puzzling; how

to fit 3 months of goodies into two bags per person?? (up to 64kg allowed though which

comes in handy).

We’ll leave Saturday early early morning (’round 7am, oof!), fly from

Calgary via Vancouver back home. Let’s just hope the flights are less

packed than when I came here three weeks ago! We then should arrive

with the Blue bird this Sunday morning early early. Sjeez, that gives me a full day to recover

from jetlag and all the holiday impressions before hitting the office

again! 🙁

holiday update!

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Hey y’all!

Just a short holiday update, since we found some (free :-)) WiFi

access here! YEAH BABY YEAH, feeling part of civilisation again 🙂

We’re arrived in Tofino this morning, a small surfers village on the

west coast of Vancouver Island. Enjoying the month of

Foggest/Faugust/August…so no sun, DAMN! If only we knew before

:(, then again…we booked a boat trip tomorrow to the Hot Springs

Cove, incl. whale watching…that MUST be good!

There is too much to tell about the last week and a half, all

in all it has been FA-BU-LOUS or ‘AWESOME, EH?’ as people tend to

say here! Been camping in the woods, enjoying splendid wild nature of

the Canadian Rockies!

The coming 1.5 weeks will be filled with Vancouver and the return

(and saying goodbye) to Banff. Still great moment to come, sure ’bout


‘Nuff for now, pictures will come when I’m back in Dutchland, here’s 1 to give y’all an impression:


Canada - Lake Louise