…and we’re back! :)

The downtime on the domain has been a LOT less than anticipated; my blog is back online! 🙂 Instead of 24-48 hours as expected, it took only 2 hours, sweettttt! Restoring the WordPress database turned out to be a lot harder unfortunately 🙁 but, I solved it in the end! (‘I-don’t-quit’ is my middle name! 🙂 )

For the techies: the reason for it turned out the be a too big MySQL backup file having EXTENDED INSERTS, which made the server choke. Splitting up the database file didn’t work and although uploading the file via SSH brought back most of the data, I wasn’t able to log in to the WordPress administration Dashboard, *sigh*…a clean WordPress install followed by the (partial) file upload via SSH and uploading the remainder of the database file (split in smaller incremental files) through the phpMyAdmin Import functionality finally brought everything back (well, except for some Facebook Comments&Likes, oh well…).

Everything should run much faster now, please let me know if the blog is still slowwwwwww!