Archive for July 31st, 2006

One big lie and a huge success! :)

Monday, July 31st, 2006

No, no, no…last Friday wasn’t my last day at work before holiday!!

I only needed to make a certain guy believe I wouldn’t be in the country and because of that there wouldn’t be a bachelor party last weekend!!

He he he, I love it when a plan comes together!!! Robbert, you said I was good, but you were better…we both know now that I am the best! You never saw this one coming, great to see the surprise and disbelief on your face! LoL

Lucky guy to get two bachelor parties, one on Friday (evening/night) and one on Saturday (afternoon/evening/night). The Friday party was extra since one group of friends all couldn’t make it on Saturday. Both days were a great success, everyone had heaps of fun, pictures this time *not* to follow, he he he…

Friday we went to Scheveningen for some food, drinks and entertainment 🙂

Saturday was filled with activities, food and some more activities!

The two nights completely wrecked the groom 🙂 Despite everything has had the time of his life…as said, I love it when a plan comes together!! 🙂

The only bummer on all this is the fact I still have to work for a week…:( 🙁