When a house becomes a home…

So, that was it: the house build is done!!

We worked hard to meet the target and: we have made it!! The floor was put in this morning and in about three days (when the concrete has dried out) the family will turn ‘our’ house into their home!!
We had the decoration ceremony today, a fantastic ‘handover’ experience with lots of singing and dancing. We obviously took part in that…heaps of fun! 😉
We are heading back to Maputo tomorrow for the final day with the team, so tonight is our last night in the Gaza province…and that means PARTY time, celebrating the accomplishment!!


The end result after a week of hard work, when a house becomes a home:


Dedication ceremony, lots of singing and dancing:


The two oldest sons of the two families; Crimildo and Jose:


The Global Village team with the two families:

(click to enlarge)