Archive for March 27th, 2014

Overthinking and how to stop it

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

We (or at least most of us 🙂 ) are gifted with the ability to *think*…to think things through is both a bliss as well as a necessity to survive and evolve.

Interestingly enough, while thinking is very important there is also a catch; thinking too much. Overthinking causes the good things to go wrong, has non-issues become priorities and makes people come to a stand still in life. Luckily there are 9 Simple Habits to Stop Overthinking Everything (from Henrik Edberg / When you go through them you will notice it ain’t so hard to avoid overthinking! 🙂

Oh, I added a 10th habit: Think with your Heart!

  1. Put things into a wider perspective.
  2. Set short time-limits for decisions.
  3. Become a person of action.
  4. Realize that you cannot control everything.
  5. Say stop in situation where you know you cannot think straight.
  6. Do not get lost in vague fears.
  7. Work out.
  8. Spend more of your time in the present moment.
  9. Spend more of your time with people who do not overthink things.
  10. Think with your Heart

(read the entire article for more details)

QOTD March 27 2014

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Herbert W. Boyer: “Wonder is what sets us apart from other life forms. No other species wonders about the meaning of existence or the complexity of the universe or themselves.”