Archive for July 25th, 2005

Last week in da office!

Monday, July 25th, 2005

YESSS…it’s my last week in the office before my holiday in West Canada!!

No doubt it will be hectic @ work for the remaining 4 days, but all for

the better cause…3 weeks of doing nothing and enjoying amazing


We’ve rented a car and will cruise in a weeks time from Banff via

Jasper NP to Vancouver (basically the northern route).  The plan

is to spend around one week at Vancouver Island and then return to

Banff via the ‘southern’ route…can’t wait!! 🙂

Will bring all camping gear with me as we’ll mostly be out camping

(& hiking ofcourse!). Luckily one’s allowed a travellers friendly

64kg (!!) on the flight, wonder who wants to be my caddy. 🙂