Archive for April 21st, 2012

Support me in Mozambique

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

Wow, time flies; it is only 3 weeks (!) before I begin building an orphan home in Mozambique during my Global Village trip with Habitat for Humanity!

I am really looking forward to this experience, as said before; it will be great to physically contribute to a better world by DOING something rather than supporting from a distance.

This support from a distance is actually something that YOU can do and I have a great proposition:

Coming Monday, April 23, I will turn 40 years old (/young 😉 ) and I know that some of you (not all?!? 😉 ) would like to give me a Birthday present. Well, instead of a material something for me, myself and I, I would really appreciate your donation to the Global Village trip as a Birthday gift! (ha, you really cannot say no to that, eh?)

As I wrote two weeks ago, you can support me by making a donation via my Global Village trip page (the green Donate Today button on the right side)…if don’t ‘dare’ to do this online, let me know and we will work it out! 😉