Archive for July, 2007

Gone and twitter updates

Friday, July 27th, 2007

OK, it’s time…I will be gone for a while…on my way outta here (NL that is)! I expect to have some internet only from Wednesday πŸ™

While I’m on da road, you can follow me via the twitter box on the right of this page…heyhey, my tip of the day! πŸ™‚

Last day in NL

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

Time truly flies, today is my last full day at home in NL…wow!

Will leave tomorrow for a family weekend in Germany and drive on Monday to Norway, land of the Vikings…YEAH! you bet the car will be PACKED (clothing, computers, audio and tv stuff :))…hope the suspension holds. πŸ™‚

#1 at Google image search on Khadafi

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

Check this out!!!

The Khadafi picture I put on when I went to Tripoli end March is the number 1 search result with Google image search…wow! Major breakthrough for my blog, becoming number one with Google with uhhh, the great leader Khadafi…hmm, have to admit it would have been nicer if this was with a butterfly picture instead of the great leader…;)

QOTD July 25 2007

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

George S. Patton: "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."

Pohoda 2007 recap

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

Back and rested,…slept like a baby :).

This years Pohoda is again filled with good memories to keep;

– reunited with our friends from previous editions (Veronika with her beautiful babygirl Vesna, Michal and Eva who will get married on September 22)

– met new friends (Igor, the swiss born slovak, our camping neighbors Zuzana and Jura)

– nicely suntanned by the 40 degrees bluesky weather, no wind…even the cheap beers going in could not make up for the sweat going out

– saw some great bands perform: Datarock, coming from Norway…these vikings have SO much energy, The Hives with their almost arrogant way of getting the audience on their side…’we know that you have bought the Pohoda tickets only to see us!’ :), Basement Jaxx who made everyone dancing like crazy, semi-agressive Wu Tang Clan hip-hoping around and the flying dutchman Junkie XL going wild for the crowd.

– last but not least; Air performed on their air-instruments, playing music like air…in other words, they didn’t perform, something with their instruments getting stuck in Budapest…:( πŸ™

Yeah, you bet we’ll be back next year…pictures to come, some others can be found here and here.

Back from Pohoda

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

It has been a great weekend, Pohoda 2007…more on this tomorrow, am going to zzzzzzz (calculated that I have slept only 16h in the 135h period from Wednesday morning till Monday evening!!)

On our way to PARTY

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

Pohoda 2007…here we come!!!

Hot ‘n sunny Pohoda

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

The weather forecast for Slovakia shows 37 degrees (C) and only sun this weekend…YAYY!!…we’re gonna get sunburned at Pohoda!!

Taking grandma out for the day

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

Am gonna take grandma out today! She doesn’t know yet (shh, don’t tell her :)), but we’ll be going to a typical dutch ‘pannenkoekenhuis‘ (pancake-house), the same place she and grandpa used to take us to as children…am a sucker for traditions! πŸ™‚

You wouldn’t say she’s 87, the doctor told her she’s strong as a young woman!

The Vikings are coming to get me!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

BBC News: ‘A Viking Ship is on its way to the British Isles from Norway’. I guess this is my ride…:)

QOTD July 16 2007

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Doris Mortman: "Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have."

Cleaning up the attic

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

Finally managed to clean out the big storage space we have in the attic (aka TechRoom :)) today, shitloads of old paperwork and magazines are on their way out!

Sjeez, I’ve got three days left coming week and three days in the week after before I’m moving to Norway…the clock’s ticking…

Red pill, blue pill and Fear Industrial Complex

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

Last weeks DSC#632, around 8:40 in the show, a great audio comment from Dana Law from San Diego who responds to Adam discussion on Live Earth and global warming. Dana likes to refer to this as global hysteria and he places the current attention on global warming in perspective calling it ‘politics of fear’ or ‘fear industrial complex’. Basically the scares that we as world population have been (put?) through in the last decades.

Examples are many;

Overpopulation, herpes, second hand smoke, global cooling, asteroids, heterosexual aids, sars, birhtflu, running out of oil, ozon holes, nuclear winner, zombie computers, millenium bugs, high fructose corn syrup, ebola, african id cali, anthrax, transpaths, cyclomates,
diabetes, Alar, mad cow disease. By now they should all have killed humanity, right?

In his response Adam links the examples above with Guy Debord’s book ‘The Society of the Spectacle‘…I totally dig it, so here’s the transcription;

‘If you think about the Society of the Spectacle and that list that Dana just read, that’s kinda what this is all about and how human culture works. We really are in a type of Matrix, I don’t think that movie was too far off…we ARE connected, only we may not be lying in pots, but we are connected through mobile devices and computers and cellphones…we are really making the machine work, we’re feeding it through blog posts that go up through mainstream media and all the wires are interconnecting. It really is red pill, blue pill stuff…except all you have to do is realize it and that’s the red pill…if you don’t and if you’re just are happily enjoying the instantaneous hit of receiving an email on your Blackberry then you’re a blue pill person.

Hmm, maybe we should move on from scrunchers/folders to red pill/blue pill, because it really has that vibe to it. And think of all those things, all those disasters, asteroids, we’ve solved all of those in the blue pill world with Bruce Willis showing up to save the day. We feel comfortable and we don’t really worry about that…I think we really don’t worry about that because of Bruce Willis. I have to say, right upfront…I’m definately a red pill kinda guy.’

This was right on dude…Adam Curry, I love ya for this!

Indeed, it’s a good time to change from scrunchers/folders to red pill/blue pill…red pill, I’m in!

Pohoda 2007

Friday, July 13th, 2007

A 7 day countdown has started…next week I will be partying at Pohoda.

It will be the third time Robbert and I are going there for sun, cheapo beer and great music! This years program includes Air, The Hives, Basement Jaxx, Wu Tang Clan, DJ Shadow and Junkie XL, yay!

Jason unbombs

Thursday, July 12th, 2007

Jason Calacanis responds to Google’s dunk of Squidoo, I didn’t give him kudos for ‘bombing’ Squidoo though…uhmm, I did call Mahalo a search ENGINE like Google, even though they in a way are at opposite sides of the search landscape…ok, will call it a search SERVICE from now on!

Jason Calacanis bombs Squidoo?

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

TechCrunch: ‘Google Acting Against Squidoo Due To Spam’.

Funky, this news seems to give Jason Calacanis a major boost on his influence on the web! Because? Well, the thing with Squidoo (being a (potential?!) platform for spam and not taking the correct measures to fight it) has been going on for MONTHS, Jason recently has been all over them and NOW Google responds?!? Sjeez, this almost sounds like a perfect setup, mastered by Jason and Google!

Then again, Jasons new project Mahalo (cool like beans!) is a….uuhhh…search engineSERVICE, an alternative for Google (and so far very effective I must say)…so nah, Jason is still the great guy I ‘know’ from his contributions to the Gillmor Gang! Right?

Mouse cursor

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

Always wanted to know how the mouse cursor actually works? Of course the Japanese know the answer! πŸ™‚

QOTD July 9 2007

Monday, July 9th, 2007

Franklin D. Roosevelt: "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

Finally, sun!

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Having had weeks of rain, wind and autumn temperatures, we really enjoyed this ONE sunny day…with friends, a bbq, lovely rose wine and Rhythms del Mundo in the air…yeah, it was a great day!

Twitter badge

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

I added the Twitter badge to the ‘Miscelany’ part on the right hand side of this site!

At the same time I decreased the number of displayed Flickr photos from 5 to 1…hmm, not entirely satisfied…still some more redesign to do…later though.