Archive for November 7th, 2010

Flying standby downside

Sunday, November 7th, 2010

Uhh, who would think that Panama is such a popular destination; KLM has a daily flight and even then the flight was *crowded*…a bit too crowded as we unfortunately didn’t make it on the flight…:( 🙁 the most crazy thing was that the purser didn’t *want* to give out any of the extra crew seats!! OK, it *is* his call, but common…so much for being nice to your colleagues, eh? A$$h0le! 🙁

We’ve checked alternative options and wow, the flexibility is huge! I never realized that you can reach San Jose from Amsterdam via Houston, Dallas, Newark, Atlanta, Madrid, Panama, Mexico AND Frankfurt. Most of those flights have already left by now, so we’re heading back ‘home’ (casa Robbert that is), DAMN!

Oh well, better luck tomorrow, we’re gonna try via Houston @ 10:40h ITM (=In The Morning), enough seats available according to the system!